Ask Me How I Know
Ask Me How I Know
The Mass in Latin.
The alphabet backwards
What the Beaufort Scale measures
All the words to Unforgettable
Whether a baby’s cry is hunger or loneliness
The perfect recipe for chocolate fudge.
How to get ink out of silk
When a goodbye is final
How to assemble hair in a topknot in under three seconds.
With no bobby pins. None.
The real names of Lady Gaga and Iggy Pop and Gopher on Love Boat
The chemical symbol for strontium
How to make a Brandy Alexander
Stop the bleeding
Paint a 50-foot high aluminum billboard.
How to draw a person’s profile using the numbers 1, 2, 3.
Make a slipknot, a bowline, an overhand knot.
A lariat loop.
Say “Your lifejacket is under your seat” in Arabic.
“Come this way” in Vietnamese.
How to let you go
And survive to write another word.
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