An Evening with Tricia

Haynes Library presents

The Music of Leaving

An evening of poetry with Tricia McCallum

Thursday March 5th at 7 pm.

Please join us to welcome back Tricia

and spend time listening

to a selection of her work new and old.

Tricia McCallum

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My Toronto Book Launch. With a gracious crowd and amazing cupcakes!

Karen and I 840x400Amelia and cupcake 840x400         

The Music of Leaving, my new book of poetry, was launched in, dare I say it and I do, rather grand style on Saturday evening, November 1st in front of a large and enthusiastic audience at the Women’s Art Association of Canada in downtown Toronto’s Yorkville area.

During my presentation to the crowd I talked about the power and possibilities of poetry and what it has meant to me in my life, and then read several pieces from my book. I infused my presentation with humour wherever possible so the audience was not lining up to hang themselves by night’s end. My poetry can get a little dark…

And I was delighted to be introduced so eloquently by my co-M.C.’s for the event Karen Fraser, Toronto entrepreneur and champion of business women everywhere, me included,  and my lovely brother Scott McCallum.

Oh. The cupcakes were superb!


My new book The Music of Leaving now available for pre-order!

I am delighted to announce on behalf of my publisher Demeter Press that my next book The Music of Leaving, to be published in the fall of 2014, is  now available for pre-sale directly from Demeter at 50% off if ordered before July 15th. !

Follow this link,
Scroll down … keep going… to where it says “Preorder our upcoming books.” Scroll down just a bit from there and you’ll see my book on left with a link to pre-order. Use the word “mothers” on the coupon code line to receive your automatic discount.

I ask all of my blog followers to pass on this news = – and links to anyone and everyone they know, have ever known, brushed up against on the subway, or danced with in the 70’s through 90’s. That should cut a tidy swath.

Getting even more excited now as the publishing date approaches…

Meanwhile, I thank you so much for your support.

All best, Tricia.


Here is a sneak peek at the cover of my new book.

The cover of my new book is an exquisite image by the photographer and artist Mayumi Terada.

But what makes this picture particularly quixotic is that this is not a real room.

Born in Japan and now living in New York, Terada originally trained as a sculptor and her photographs are not what they seem. Her  subjects are familiar yet are, in fact, wholly artificial environments and objects. These seemingly simple domestic spaces and intimate landscapes are a miniature world that Terada fashions out of balsa wood and Styrofoam, clay and fabric, and then photographs using strikingly atmospheric lighting.

As Terada explains, these “dollhouses”resonate with her memories:

“I began to make many different kinds of objects for the house – stairs, windows, and curtains – that was how the Dollhouse series came about,” says Terada, who was . The series is mainly based on my memories, which I wanted to share with the audience. I deliberately chose a minimal design, which made the images more universal, regardless of individual tastes in home furnishing… Ultimately everything is painted white. The images are all shot with natural light… I do not use a computer at all…. coming from sculpture and handling plaster, black and white is an obvious choice for me.”

Writer and Poet

Tricia McCallum profile

Tricia McCallum

Always be a poet. Even in prose.
Charles Baudelaire.

In essence I am a storyteller who writes poems. Put simply, I write the poems I want to read.[…]

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