My Book Launch!

I am just getting ready to head off to my Book Launch and I am so excited. It is simpy the best Christmas present I could ever have. A long time in coming but worth the wait.

The weather is cooperating for those coming in from out of town with a huge storm holding off for tomorrow. My thanks to whatever/whomever is responsible.

I’ll be reading from the book, my brother Scott will be the M.C. and a few friends and family will weigh in also.

Not sure what I’ll say.. think I’ll just go with the moment.. but here’s a quote of Eudora Welty’s that I will probably include in my comments..

“The charm of poetry is that it rejects the edifying cathedral and, instead, indelibly photographs the small boy on the steps outside chewing a hunk of melon in the dust.”

Isn’t that perfection?

Here I go… wish me luck!

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Tricia McCallum

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Charles Baudelaire.

In essence I am a storyteller who writes poems. Put simply, I write the poems I want to read.[…]

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