A poem by Tricia McCallum March 2020. A redheaded girl in the bright sunshine.

The Unburdened Goodbye

Never the one you think
Never the one that should.
Never the right time
Or enough time.
Never again the sweet lull
of the day-to-day.

No more easy solace
Or just passing time.
Gone the open-ended chat
The breezy how are you
The unburdened goodbye.

Never again
The unbridled laughter
The unaffected innocence
The making sense.
Never again the sweet lull
of the day-to-day.

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5 Responses

  1. Very nice Trisha

    Praying that we will meet again soon and oh how our lives will be changed

    I personally will be a differnt loving person thinking about my friends and others and giving love hugs and kisses to the people in the world

  2. Good work Tricia. In this very important time of worldwide pandemic it remains a must that you continue to lend your voice to these perilous circumstances. History has shown us that masterworks of tragedy which delve into the deepest realm of human suffering and solitude are created by our artists. I also believe that these periods of hardship changes the structure and possibility of all art forms. Well, I will now step off my soapbox, but please continue your work, as your voice contains the echoes of our scars.Looking forward to seeing you, when the world changes.

  3. No matter the topic I always find your words very soothing.
    Our meeting on Eleuthera this year was way too brief.

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Tricia McCallum

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Charles Baudelaire.

In essence I am a storyteller who writes poems. Put simply, I write the poems I want to read.[…]

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