
All right

so I’m ready for a someone


but after a while

he’d probably start worrying

about all those trivial things

like whether I was eating properly

wasting my Sundays at the movies

or forgetting to check my oil.


He’d tell me four hours sleep

isn’t enough

that bridges aren’t meant for burning

and all that coffee isn’t good for me.


After a while

I’d end up worrying

about all those trivial things

like whether I had missed his call

if my new heels made me taller than him

how he liked his steak

whether he had his gloves with him

or had called his mother lately.


I’d tell him

he’s turning into a

two pack a day man

advise him that horizons are meant

for broadening

and all that beer

will make him fat.


All right

so I’m ready for a someone again

but please

after a while.

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Tricia McCallum

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Charles Baudelaire.

In essence I am a storyteller who writes poems. Put simply, I write the poems I want to read.[…]

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