One of These Gray Days

One of these gray days

I’ll find a tear on my cheek

yet not remember shedding it

I’ll marvel at how naive I was

how aware I’ve become

I’ll dabble in the stock market

and own matching china.


I’ll worry that my lover

is spending too much time

with his wife

I’ll wait for movies to come on tv

books to come out in paperback

I’ll find time for bridge.


One of these gray days

I’ll feel silly in bare feet

never go without makeup

and pass on dessert

I’ll buy clothes with important labels

at important little shops

where they’ll call me by name

I’ll no longer want children.


I’ll begin to acquire a taste for martinis

which I’ll serve at intimate gatherings

I’ll worry about laugh line

and know of a good surgeon.


I’ll insist on ten hours sleep a night

and begin to dislike chocolate

I won’t own jeans

I’ll see several men casually

who’ll know when not to call

what subjects not to mention

I’ll invest wisely.


I won’t find pratfalls funny anymore

just dangerous

I’ll think fiction is a waste of time

and worry about the wax from burning candles.

One of these gray days

I’ll find a tear on my cheek

I don’t remember shedding.

One Response

  1. I first read this poem any years ago in a magazine. I was somewhere around 19, 20, 21 years old. This got me big time as it to me of me. I cut it out and put it up. I dug the poem up again in the 90’s. (About 20 yrs later). Sent a message to Tricia as it still spoke to me so strongly. Now at 59, I look for it again and find it brings a year or two to my eyes. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this magnificent piece of wisdom for me.

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Charles Baudelaire.

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